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Wl Mrt Expnsion to Chinese Mrket - Assignment Example

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This paper 'Wаl Mаrt Expаnsion to Chinese Mаrket' tells us that pаper presents a discussion of Wаl-Mаrt expаnsion to Chinese mаrket аnd its mаrketing strаtegy of gаining the mаrket shаre in this country. Strаtegic step of entering Chinese mаrket is viewed аs а greаt opportunity of the biggest retаil store in the world…
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Wl Mrt Expnsion to Chinese Mrket
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Wl-Mrt Chin [nme of the school] [nme of the bstrct Current pper presents discussion of Wl-Mrt expnsion to Chinese mrket nd its mrketing strtegy of gining the mrket shre in this country. Strtegic step of entering Chinese mrket is viewed s gret opportunity of the biggest retil store in the world to dominte on the mrket with high potentil of profit nd success. Mrketing nlysis includes review of Wl-Mrt's contemporry development in business emphsis on cpturing new mrkets in the world nd prticulrly the mrket in Chin followed by externl nd internl nlysis of the compny. Internl fctors of orgniztionl environment re considered by emphsizing Strengths nd Weknesses s well s externl environment is discussed by estimting Opportunities nd Threts tht Hrvey Wllbnger Popcorn fces before entering the British mrket (SWOT nlysis). The choice of the mrket entry will depend on mny fctors such s politicl, economic, technologicl, nd socio-culturl. With this in mind, the reserch discusses ech of those fctors while conducting PEST nlysis. TSK 1 I. Introduction Expnsion to Chin is gret opportunity for Wl-Mrt to gin profits nd dditionl mrket shre on the world mrket of retil. Opertion in Chin brings $1 billion in sles nnully. It is through Wl-Mrt Chin's 46 stores tht result in 450,000 trnsctions dy tht such high profit is possible (Hoopes, 2006). Expnsion into Chin is n opportunity tht Wl-Mrt cn not fford to miss. Chinese mrket is one of the biggest in the world nd the need to expnd beyond its 46 stores is logicl strtegic step the Wl-Mrt should undertke. Strong competition with Crrefour, the biggest retil in Frnce nd second biggest retil store in the world, is thret for the compny to stop being the first on the mrket. The need to expnd to Chin is wy to sty the leder in the world mrket s it hs been for long time of the retil store history. Wl-Mrt is excited bout Chin becuse it considers the size of the economy of this country, t the consistent growth over 20 yers, nd t the increse in individul nd fmily income nd spending power. s Beth Keck, Wl-Mrt director of interntionl corporte ffirs, sid in n interview. "In the lst 10 yers, you've seen the development of [forml] retil. So it's gret opportunity" (Nelson, 2006). By contrst to the second lrgest supermrket in the world, Crrefour, Wl-Mrt is Chin's 19th-lrgest retiler. Wl-Mrt Chin's SuperCenters lg their U.S. counterprts in revenues, generting on verge $35 million nnully, compred with $80 million to $120 million in the U.S. So there re lot of opportunities to expnd to Chinese mrket, more of which will be discussed lter in this pper long with mrketing nlysis of the compny (Hoopes, 2006). II. SWOT nlysis This nlysis is wy of looking t the Wl-Mrt s business, where the strengths nd weknesses of the orgnistion cn be contrsted with the threts nd opportunities of the outside business environment. The identifiction of the mjority of the SWOT fctors re intended to be derived through the erlier use of PEST nlysis s prt of the overll situtionl nlysis process. Tble1 SWOT nlysis Internl Strengths Weknesses Good loction of stores Trined stuff to operte the stores Estimted rise of revenues Chep lbor costs on Chinese mrket Good service nd employee pckge Very low number of trnsctions on the comprtively lrge territory Shky infrstructure in mny plces Development of rods, wter nd sewge brely keeps up in cities exploding with growth. Externl Opportunities Threts Further expnsion into Chinese mrket Possibilities of high benefits from Chinese mrket Mintining the growth on Chinese mrket Intensive competition from Frnce's Crrefour Competition from locl supermrkets Gtrengths Good loction of stores Wal-Mart China has a very good location t 12 Fenghung Rod which is in the hert of Shenzhen, Chin. Here people come just for a walk, a meeting at the corner restaurant or to see a movie in the cinema located not far. In this neighborhood of high-rise prtments, most customers rrive on foot or by bicycle. bout 12,000 shoppers visit this SuperCenter ech dy, purchsing L'Orl mkeup, live turtles or countless other products in hybrid of Chinese nd U.S. retiling. Recently, there were even lrge displys of sex-instruction videos, n extrordinry item given the trditions of Chinese society nd Wl-Mrt's socilly conservtive posture in the U.S. Good location of Wal-Mart is a strategic step that the company has undertaken in order to attract more customers. It is thus the primary strength of the marketing strategy of Wal-Mart. Trined stuff to operte the stores Wl-Mrt hs dded two extr mngers to ech of its stores to ensure there re enough trined people to operte new units. The company's employees have two-nd--hlf to three yers of working experience in Wal-Mart that ensure excellent operation activities. (Dunnett , Jne, rnold, 2006) Estimted rise of revenues Mrk Miller, n nlyst t Willim Blir investment bnking, estimted in Mrch reserch report tht Wl-Mrt Chin's revenues within five yers might rise to $10 billion from $1 billion (Hoopes, 2006). Chep lbor costs on Chinese mrket In Chin costs for lbor is reltively chep in comprison with other country's (Dunnett , Jne, rnold, 2006) Good service nd employee pckge Wges verge $2,100 nnully for cshiers, significntly better thn fctory jobs tht bring in bout $800 nnully, Weinswig sid. Wl-Mrt's pckge lso includes medicl nd retirement benefits, time off for mternity, illness, mrrige nd funerls, nd contributions to government housing fund tht provides low-interest lons (Dunnett , Jne, rnold, 2006) Perhps becuse of the wges nd benefits, service is strength. When ccenture's Mueller could not find replcement pedls for child's bike, Wl-Mrt ssocite personlly escorted him to smll shop down the street tht stocked the prt. nd when recent visitor left the Fenghung Rod store, Chinese employee followed protocol by lening into microphone nd nnouncing, "Thnk you, der customer, for coming." Weknesses Very low number of trnsctions on the comprtively lrge territory Wal-Mart China has comparitatively large territory of 200,000-squre-foot stores and potential to excecute a lot of operations during the day. However, the stores do not work to its fullest potential yet due to the comparitative new introduction of stores to Chinese market. (Nelson, 2006). Shky infrstructure in mny plces Infrstructure in Chin is not relible nd wobbly in mny plces. Menwhile Ech Wl-Mrt Chin SuperCenter hs two bckup genertors to protect food ginst power filures. Development of rods, wter nd sewge brely keeps up in cities exploding with growth. Getting merchndise to the right plce for the right price hs been tremendous chllenge over the yers nd it still remins n re to be tckled. Opportunities Further expnsion on Chinese mrket Further expnsion on Chinese mrket is n opportunity tht Wl-Mrt should rpidly undertke in order to void strong competitions with Frnce's Crrefour, the second lrgest retil store in the world. t June 13 Credit Suisse First Boston conference, Wl-Mrt Interntionl chief executive officer John Menzer told nlysts tht Chin ws the "str performer" of Wl-Mrt's globl opertions, bsed on better-thn-expected sme-store sles this yer. Possibilities of high benefits from Chinese mrket The ntion of 1.3 billion people is on short list of globl mrkets with the heft to influence Wl-Mrt's stock price becuse Chin, which recorded $654 billion in txble retil sles lst yer, ccording to the Ministry of Commerce, offers Wl-Mrt the prospect of significnt overll sles growth (Hoopes, 2006). Mintining the growth on Chinese mrket This fiscl yer, for exmple, Wl-Mrt must dd t lest $28 billion in sles to mintin its double-digit growth, nd s its U.S. business mtures, new mrkets such s Chin will be needed to drive those increses. The $285 billion retiler bsed in Bentonville, rk., plns to grow 30 to 50 percent in retil squre footge nnully in Chin for the foreseeble future, executives told Wll Street nlysts during tour of Wl-Mrt Chin's opertions in Mrch. This yer, Wl-Mrt Chin intends to open 15 to 17 stores, bring SuperCenters to Beijing nd enter Shnghi for the first time this summer. It is the most mbitious expnsion since Wl-Mrt opened its first units in Shenzhen, city of more thn one million people bout 22 miles north of Hong Kong, in 1996 (Jmes, 2006) Threts Intense competition with Frnce's Crrefour Mny nlysts predict Crrefour, skilled interntionl opertor, will provide some of Wl-Mrt Chin's stiffest competition. The French compny genertes $2 billion in revenues from 62 stores in Chin, mking it the fifth-lrgest retiler there, ccording to ccenture reserch. Competition from locl supermrkets Wl-Mrt Chin needs nother five yers of growth before it mkes significnt contribution to the lrger compny, she sid. Wl-Mrt's stores re in their infncy in Chin nd domestic compnies re gining clout in Chin. In 2004, the Chinese government formed the ntion's lrgest retiler, $8.1 billion Shnghi Brillince Group Co. Ltd., by merging Chin's lrgest deprtment store, drugstore nd hypermrket chins to form conglomerte overseeing 8,000 stores. III. Environmentl nlysis The fundmentl rtionle of PESTEL nlysis is the principle tht knowledge, understnding nd pprecition cquired by externl nd internl environment scnning llows compny to recognize opportunities nd threts (forces of chnge) round them. Through cquiring nd nlyzing vitl informtion relted to Politics, Economics, Socil, Technologicl, Environmentl nd Legisltive dt (PESTEL) of Wl-Mrt compny, situtionl nlysis is crried out in reference to the Indin mrket. Politicl Fctors s long s Wl-Mrt opertes in globl environment with stores round the globe, its performnce is gretly influenced by the politicl nd legisltive fctors of these countries. Through employment legisltions, the government encourges retilers to provide mix of job opportunities from flexible, lower-pid nd loclly-bsed jobs to highly-skilled, higher-pid nd centrlly-locted jobs (Blchin, 1994) s well s to meet the demnd of students, working prents nd senior citizens who need to be employed too. Wl-Mrt understnds tht retiling hs gret impct on jobs nd people fctor. Being strong competitor such lrge retil shop s Wl-Mrt oftentimes destroys the jobs vilble in trditionl stores s becuse of inbility to compete they simply go out of business. Wl-Mrt tries to propose s mny jobs s possible in order to cover the shortge cused by the closeness of those shops. In ddition it employs lrge numbers of student, disbled nd elderly workers, often pying them lower rtes. In n industry with typiclly high stff turnover, these workers offer higher level of loylty nd therefore represent desirble cndidtes. Wl-Mrt's expnsion coincides with Chin's decision to lift expnsion restrictions on foreign retilers in December, concession tht ws prt of the ntion's entry in the World Trde Orgniztion in 2001. Tht move -- linked with the WTO's bndonment of textile nd pprel quots -- hs sprked gold rush mong the world's lrgest retilers, including Hollnd's Mkro Csh & Crry, the U.K.'s Wl-Mrt plc nd Germny's Metro G. Wl-Mrt Chin is joint venture between Wl-Mrt Stores Inc. nd three investment firms bcked by the Chinese government. The entity opertes SuperCenters, Sm's Clubs nd Neighborhood Mrkets in 20 cities (Young, 2005) Economicl Fctors long with politicl fctors Wl-Mrt is concerned bout economicl issues tht cn gretly influence demnd, costs, prices nd profits of compny. One of the most powerful fctors on the economy is high unemployment levels, which diminishes the positive demnd for mny goods, dversely ffecting the demnd required to produce such goods. These economic fctors re mostly out of compny's control while their effects on the performnce nd the mrketing mix cn be significnt. lthough interntionl business is still growing, nd is expected to contribute greter mounts to Wl-Mrt's profits over the next few yers, the compny is still very much dependent on the Chinese mrket. Hence, Wl-Mrt would be bdly ffected by ny setbck in the Chinese food mrket nd re out in the open to mrket concentrtion risks. Socil/Culturl Fctors s long currently Chinese customers hve moved towrds 'one-stop' nd 'bulk' shopping, Wl-Mrt hve incresed the mount of non-food items vilble for sle. The type of goods nd services demnded by consumers is function of their socil conditioning nd their consequent ttitudes nd beliefs. Consumers re becoming more nd more wre of helth issues, nd ttitudes towrds food re constntly chnging. One exmple of Wl-Mrt dpting its product mix is to ccommodte n incresed demnd for orgnic products. The compny ws lso the first to llow customers to py in cheques nd csh t the checkout. Move to Chin is n unusul move for Wl-Mrt, which strictly controls lbor costs. More remrkble, the ntiunion retiler hs sid it would llow its Chinese workers to unionize if they request to do so under the country's lbor provisions. So fr, no store hs unionized. The other positive thing to move to China is governmental regulations that let to generate high profits due to low taxes. Wal-Martr ws forced to build its first multilevel stores in Chin nd lerned vluble lessons bout how to serve customers in urbn environments. The compny's three-story Wl-Mrt in Bldwin Hills, Clif., for exmple, dopted severl Chinese prctices, including using conveyor to shuttle shopping crts between floors. Wl-Mrt Chin is experimenting in densely settled res with underground Neighborhood Mrkets, hybrid drugstore nd supermrket. One such store in Shenzhen processes 9,000 trnsctions per dy. One of the managers of Wal-Mart China has confirmed the success and development on the Chinese market of grocery stores. Wal-Mart finds it a good opportunity to move beyond the US market and particularly to uran areas as it gives it more market share and profit. Wl-Mrt Chin hs lso encourged suppliers to develop new products intended for city dwellers. For exmple, since mny Chinese wsh their clothes in bthroom bsins, Procter & Gmble developed Tide White, powdered lundry sop for hnd-wshing tht comes seled in lightweight pcket. "It's turned out to be n excellent seller t something like 33 cents pckge," Keck sid. (Russell, 2004) By sourcing goods directly from Chinese fctories, Wl-Mrt cn ftten its profit mrgins nd offset rising helth cre nd lbor costs in the U.S., Miller wrote in his reserch note. He cited pprel, which is 80 percent imported to the U.S., but is only 17 percent directly sourced, s one of the best opportunities for Wl-Mrt's opertion to recpture mrgin. Wl-Mrt's 2,000-person globl procurement opertion buys $18 billion worth of goods nnully from bout 5,000 Chinese fctories (Hoopes, 2006). In the Fenghung Rod SuperCenter, 95 percent of goods re grown or mnufctured domesticlly. Tht includes pprel, which ws on the third floor with other high-mrgin goods such s home linens, electronics, toys, furniture nd sporting goods. Prices were rock bottom, even by Chinese stndrds. visit found cotton polo shirts, for exmple, selling for less thn $4. Women's jens cost $4 to $8 nd lether shoes strt t bit under $10, lthough some go for s much s $24 (Young, 2005) Clothing sles in Chin re soring, rising 15.3 percent in pril over yer go, ccording to the Chinese Ntionl Bureu of Sttistics (Young, 2005) lthough there is growing ppetite for Western fshions, the clothing ssortment on the second floor of the Fenghung Rod SuperCenter ws smll, dominted by men's wer nd by bsics, such s swetpnts nd polo shirts. The women's offering ws mostly hosiery nd Simply Bsic jens in n unfshionbly roomy cut, hwked by n employee hollering like n uctioneer. Ber Sterns' ugustine chrcterized the pprel s "firly rudimentry," prticulrly when compred with more fshionble presenttions t Crrefour nd Hymll, Tesco's concept, in Shnghi (Myers 2006) The retiler hngs complete outfits from the ceiling, nd hosts fshion shows, one of its mny forms of retil-tinment. Wine tsting nd dumpling-mking contests re lso prevlent. While some customers were browsing pprel, the Fenghung Rod store's busiest re ws the wrehouse-like first floor, where household stples such s sod, cooking oil nd rice were stcked on crtes, boxes nd no-frills metl storge rcks. Technologicl Fctors This fctor is mjor vrible which hs influenced the development of mny of the Wl-Mrt products. The new technologies benefit both customers nd the compny: customer stisfction rises becuse goods re redily vilble, services cn become more personlised nd shopping more convenient. Wl-Mrt stores utilise the following technologies: wireless devices, intelligent scle, electronic shelf lbelling, self check-out mchine, rdio Frequency Identifiction (RFID). The doption of Electronic Point of Sle (EPoS), Electronic Funds Trnsfer Systems (EFTPoS) nd electronic scnners hve gretly improved the efficiency of distribution nd stocking ctivities, with needs being communicted lmost in rel time to the supplier. Environmentl Fctors In its ctivity Wl-Mrt sustins the strtegy of sustinble consumption nd production to cut wste, reduce consumption of resources nd minimise environmentl dmge. Compny's corporte socil responsibility is concerned with the wys in which n orgniztion exceeds the minimum obligtions to stkeholders specified through regultion nd corporte governnce. Legisltive Fctors number of stte lws nd policies hve n impct on the performnce of Wl-Mrt. The presence of powerful competitors with estblished brnds cretes thret of intense price wrs nd strong requirements for product differentition. The government's policies for monopoly controls nd reduction of buyers' power cn limit entry to this sector with such controls s license requirements nd limits on ccess to rw mterils. In order to implement politiclly correct pricing policies, Wl-Mrt offers consumers price reduction on fuel purchses bsed on the mount spent on groceries t its stores. While prices re lowered on promoted goods, prices elsewhere in the store re rised to compenste. The company is committed to working with the Chinese government nd Chinese industry in furthering socil responsibility in fctories. (Young, 2005) Some experts believe Chin is n even lrger retil mrket thn government sles dt suggest. The dominnt form of retiling involves smll merchnts in so-clled wet mrkets, which consist of open-ir stlls selling items rnging from live chickens to housewres. Those sles re generlly not reported. ccounting for wet mrkets, Chin's retil sles might be closer to $2.6 trillion thn the reported $654 billion, Willim Blir nlyst Miller clculted, citing Wl-Mrt executives nd the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (Holly, 2005) Despite the chllenges -- nd perhps becuse of them -- Chin represents significnt benefits for Wl-Mrt. TSK 2 Brief description of chosen theme Current theme is bout Wl-Mrt's strtegy to mintin its growth on the Chinese mrket. The world's lrgest retiler finds itself t something of crossrods in the world's most populous ntion. Wl-Mrt's expected cquisition of Chinese grocery chin Trust-Mrt will give the US gint unprecedented scle, ctpulting it hed of Crrefour to become the lrgest foreign retiler in the minlnd. But severl questions mrks remin over Wl-Mrt's interntionl strtegy. t present, over fifth of its US$316 billion in totl sles re generted outside the US; Wl-Mrt would like tht proportion to be closer to third. But progress hs hrdly been smooth. Its UK subsidiry continues to underperform, while high-profile pullouts hve occurred in Kore nd Germny. In Chin, menwhile, Wl-Mrt is ttempting to become ntionl retil chin in country with no cohesive ntionl distribution system. Clerly, the rewrds re huge, with the minlnd retil mrket estimted to be worth US$750 billion by 2008. nd distribution is just one worry. lredy the compny hs given in to unionistion demnds from the stte-run ll-Chin Federtion of Trde Unions, notble climbdown from its nti-union US stnce (Holly, 2006). It hs lso mde key strides in honing its offering for the unique chrcteristics of the Chinese mrketplce, where consumers do not wnt to buy crboot-lod of supplies t ech visit. But Wl-Mrt is one of the most finncilly successful compnies the world hs known, so few doubt the seriousness of its Middle Kingdom spirtions. number of foreign plyers, in ddition to the lredy-ensconced Crrefour, re eyeing the Chin mrket, nd competition is expected to intensify. Tesco recently nnounced plns to lunch its first brnded store in Beijing, s the first step to brnding ll of its 42 jointly-owned Chinese hypermrkets (Myers 2006) With retil sles growing t 13 per cent clip per yer (Myers 2006), there my be big enough pie to stisfy severl interntionl compnies. Given Wl-Mrt's ppetite for domintion, of course, slice will not be sufficient -unless it is the biggest slice of them ll. Recommendtions Recommendtion 1 The globl mrketplce is littered with compnies, competitors, nd consultnts tht underestimted Wl-Mrt. While it recently suffered punishing rejections in Kore nd Germny, there re few other US compnies better suited to mine the consumer mrkets of Chin (Russell, 2004). Wl-Mrt will succeed in Chin becuse it hs no lterntive - Wll Street expects the world's lrgest retiler to be leder in the world's lrgest mrket. While it remins to be seen wht the compny will do with the well-known Trust-Mrt brnd, one thing is cler: Wl-Mrt will export its cclimed distribution innovtion from the US (Russell, 2004). By estblishing ntionwide retil footprint, Wl-Mrt will ly the groundwork for future economic growth cross Chin. Given the lck of centrlised distribution system in Chin, Wl-Mrt's entry into the mrket will bring importnt infrstructure dvnces ntionwide. By putting down rods, building distribution centers, developing locl tools, nd trining stff, Wl-Mrt is giving Chin long rnge economic ssets tht stnd in strk contrst to the low-price-export mchine tht is the cornerstone of its current reltionship with the Middle Kingdom. Recommendtion 2 With Trust-Mrt operting t the lower end of the supermrket retil mrket, one mjor chllenge for Wl-Mrt will be to determine where it will position, which lso rises importnt questions s to how Wl-Mrt will integrte Trust-Mrt s n opertion nd mnge the brnd portfolio. Chin is frgmented mrket tht hs been Russell, (2004community shops nd smll regionl chins for decdes; big chin retilers re new phenomenon (Russell, 2004) While the Wl-Mrt model hs been developed nd optimised over the yers bsed upon the behviours nd preferences of mericn consumers, Chinese shopping ptterns re very different. Chinese consumers spend less on shopping per visit thn mericns, but they shop more frequently. In ddition, consumers remin loyl to specilised retilers for purchses tht require more product expertise nd post-sles service, going to hypermrkets for everydy items (Russell, 2004). Wl-Mrt must listen to the consumers nd djust their strtegies ccordingly. It will be interesting to see if the mericn success formul of rock-bottom prices, tight control of inventory nd wide selection of products cn be trnslted into this importnt mrket. Conclusions Current pper presented nlysis of Wl-Mr's positioning on the Chinese mrket. Upon hving conducted mrketing reserch, we cn then conclude tht, by boosting its expnsion in Chin, considered the world's fstest-growing economy, Wl-Mrt gins stronger foothold in mrket shre. Tht's n opportunity Wl-Mrt cn't fford to miss considering its mjor competitors in the mrketplce: Frnce's Crrefour; Germny's Metro G; the U.K.'s Tesco, nd Hollnd's Mkro Csh & Crry. Wl-Mrt is Chin's 19th-lrgest retiler. ccording to ccenture reserch, Crrefour is the fifth-lrgest retiler in Chin, with its 62 stores generting $2 billion in nnul revenues. "Wl-Mrt wnts to dominte Chin nd hs estblished strong nme for themselves in the country, not only through the present store bse, but lso through the buying tht's done loclly," sid Wlter Loeb, former Wll Street nlyst nd now retil consultnt of the firm tht bers his nme. (Young, 2005) He noted tht Chinese consumers re likely to view Wl-Mrt fvorbly since mny work in the fctories tht produce goods for the discounter. Mny re lso employed t Wl-Mrt stores. Bibliogrphy: 1. Petrovic, Mish, nd Gry G. Hmilton."Mking Globl Mrkets:Wl-Mrt nd itssuppliers." Wl-Mrt: The fce of twenty-first century cpitlism. 2006. 2. Brcus, Holly. "Wl-Mrt-scpes from Rurl nd Smll-Town meric."Wl-Mrt World.2006. 3. Boncich, Edn nd Khleelh Hrdie. "Wl-Mrt nd the Logistics Revolution." Wl-Mrt: The fce of twenty-firstcentury cpitlism. 2006. 4. Blchin . (1994) Prt-time workers in the multiple retil sector: smll chnge from employment protection legisltion, Employee Reltions, Vol. 16 Issue 7, pp.43-57; 5. Dunnett , . Jne , nd Stephen J. rnold . "Flling Prices, Hppy Fces: OrgniztionlCulture t Wl-Mrt ." Wl-Mrt World (2006). 6. Flnnery, Russell, (2004). Chin: The Slow Bot. Forbes: Vol. 173 Issue 7, p84-85, 2p, 2c 7. Hoopes, Jmes. "Growth Through Knowledge." Wl-Mrt: The fce of twenty-firstcentury cpitlism. 2006. 8. Lichtenstein, Nelson. Wl-Mrt: The fce of twenty-first-century cpitlism. The NewPress: New York, 2006. Wl-Mrt: The fce of twenty-firstcentury cpitlism.2006. 9. Myers H. (2006) Trends in the food retil sector cross Europe, Europen Retil Digest, Spring, Issue 41, pp.1-3; 10. Rosen, Ellen Isrel. Wl-Mrt: The fce of the twenty-first century cpitlism. The NewPress: New York, 2006. 11. Slter, Robert. The Wl-Mrt Triumph. New York: Pengiun Group (US) Inc., 2003. 12. The High Cost of Low Prices. Dir. Robert Greenwld. DVD. Brve New Films, 2005. 13. Why Wl-Mrt Works & Why tht Drives Some People Crzy. Dir. Ron Gllowy.DVD. Gllowy, 2005. 14. Young, Vicki M. (2005).Wl-Mrt's Chin Expnsion Pln. WWD: Women's wer dily. Vol. 190 Issue 18, p7-7, 3/4p, 1c Read More
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UK Investment in China

ith Wl-Mrt nd Crrefour firmly entrenched nd Tesco gining ground, the retil mrket is poised for some interesting developments in the next few months.... The paper aims to answer questions like: bаsed on the chinese mаrket, conduct аn environmentаl аudit for Tesco; to whаt extent do you think Tesco should аdаpt or stаndаrdize its mаrketing mix?... The paper aims to answer questions like: bаsed on the chinese mаrket, conduct аn environmentаl аudit for Tesco; to whаt extent do you think Tesco should аdаpt or stаndаrdize its mаrketing mix?...
17 Pages (4250 words) Assignment

Wal-Mart International Expansion Strategies

This essay "Wal-Mart International Expansion Strategies" presents international expansion that has eased the pressure on domestic development as the anti-Wal-Mart groups fuelled by activists groups and politicians persisted in the local US market.... ... ... ... Wal-Mart is able to maintain its sales growth while diversifying from overdependence on the domestic market....
16 Pages (4000 words) Essay

International Business: Wal-Mart Analysis

As compared to the chinese market, Indian market covers the features of both capitalism and a socialistic market economy (Indian Market).... A writer of the paper "International Business: Wal-Mart Analysis" reports that it was the world's largest retail industry and now it ranks at a third position....
4 Pages (1000 words) Research Paper

Chinese Art of Tea-Drinking

In the paper 'chinese Art of Tea-Drinking,' the author discusses the culture of tea and tea-drinking ceremony in the society, which reflects the importance of this perfect beverage, which was created in China.... The chinese tea ceremony was also born as a result of respect for nature and the necessity of peace and was held as a part of religious ceremonies.... The interesting fact is that for many centuries the philosophies of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism were mixed in the magic chinese tea ceremony....
7 Pages (1750 words) Assignment
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